

COVID-19 Safety Guidance

We all know the dangers of infectious diseases. The last thing you want is to come in contact with something that will make you sick, but what if there are no doctors around? Infectious diseases can happen anywhere, anytime, and for anyone. To avoid getting sick, you should take precautions. Below is a compilation of ...

COVID-19: The Coronavirus Disease 2019

The Coronavirus 2019 is a strain of coronavirus that has not been identified. This virus is unlike the common coronavirus that circulates among humans. This does not cause light illnesses such as a common cold. The new strain of the coronavirus cause severe illness and may result in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The diagnosis of ...

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder or also called manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that causes an unusual shift of your moods from one extreme to another. People with this kind of condition tend to have periods of: Depression – lethargic and feeling low Mania – a feeling of overactive and very high Bipolar disorder can occur ...


Hansen’s disease or “Leprosy” is a chronic infectious disease. It’s a kind of disease that can affect different parts of the body. This condition has commonly known since ancient times. Hansen’s disease can affect a person’s: Nerves Skin Eyes The lining of the nose This bacteria attack the nerve that leads the skin to swollen. ...


Clonorchis is a living organism that can harm people. This condition can infect a person’s healthy living. Once this disease occurs it may affect the bile duct and gall bladder. It can be found across parts of Asia. It is also known as a “Chinese or oriental liver fluke”. People who eat uncooked, smoked, salted ...