Pneumonia is a severe lung infection that can be fatal especially among the elderly and those with respiratory disorders. The coronavirus disease can spread to the lungs that cause pneumonia.
While there are lots of infected people recover, some develop severe pneumonia that does not respond well to treatment. According to health experts, coronavirus disease is a respiratory illness. The person infected may have a fever, dry cough, fatigue, and muscle aches. The virus can develop via the respiratory tract and into the lungs of a person. This reason to inflammations and the air sacs can be filled with pus and fluid. People with severe pneumonia cases might have lungs that are so inflamed that they can’t take insufficient oxygen or eject adequate carbon dioxide. As the World Health Organization says, the most common diagnosis for severe coronavirus disease is severe pneumonia. For those who develop symptoms in the lungs, coronavirus disease might be life-threatening.
How Does Coronavirus Affect The Lungs?
People with coronavirus pneumonia experience some change in their lungs such as:
- Fluid accumulation
- Inflammation that may be so severe that it damages the alveoli of the lungs
- Fluid leaking out of blood vessels in the lungs
- Gas exchange difficulties make it hard to get enough oxygen
Most At Risk Of COVID-19 Pneumonia
Individuals with disorders that weaken the immune system or lungs may be more susceptible to COVID-19 pneumonia. Some conditions include:
- Liver or kidney disease
- Asthma or other breathing conditions
- Severe heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Cancer
Symptoms Of Pneumonia
The symptoms can vary from mild to severe. These symptoms are:
- Difficulty breathing deeply
- Fever
- Shortness of breath
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Coughing
Pneumonia becomes severe if a person is experiencing difficulty breathing and having respiratory distress.
Treatment For COVID-19 Pneumonia
According to healthcare experts, inpatient care for an individual with severe cases of COVID-19 usually focuses on managing the complications. If a doctor suspects that the patient is having pneumonia, they may recommend antibiotics although it will not treat the coronavirus disease. People with more severe pneumonia might need to stay in the hospital. They will be having an intravenous fluid and monitoring. Those with difficulty breathing may need oxygen therapy and a ventilator.
Precautions To Take
To avoid being infected to spreading the virus to someone else, you must:
- Avoid contact: As much as possible, avoid contact with people outside their household. If contact is unavoidable, they must maintain a safe 2-meter distance from other people. They should also avoid physical contact with others.
- Wash hands regularly: Do this using warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Do go outside: Stay at home and do not go outside especially in public places if you are sick.
People who have or suspected to have COVID-19 must take the following additional safety measures:
- When around people, wear a face covering
- If possible, avoid other people even in the same household
- Stay in a single and be isolated and use your bathroom to avoid the spread of the virus
- You must not share any personal care products
- Practice good self-care. Get plenty of rest, drink a lot of fluid, and eat regularly
- If symptoms become severe, call for a doctor right away