COVID-19 Guidance

COVID-19 Guidance

The outbreak of COVID-19 is a test of individuals, communities, governments, and societies. Now is the time for unity and support to tackle the virus and to stop the spread of COVID-19. Respect for human rights will be fundamental to the successful recovery from the pandemic.

Access To Health Care

  • Health strategies must address the medical dimensions of the pandemic. Also, human rights and gender-specific after comes of measures must be addressed.
  • Treatments must be available for everyone without any discrimination. This makes sure that no one is denied timely because stigma prevents them from getting treatment.
  • Collect and make public complete data related to pandemic. For it to be easy to inform health responses and identify those most at risk of being left behind.

Emergency Measures

  • In response to COVID-19, the government needs to take difficult decisions. In some global laws, it is allowed to have emergency measures in response to significant threats. However, a measure that restricts human rights must be applied in a non-discriminatory way.
  • With the concern to COVID-19, emergency power must only be used for legitimate public health goals.
  • Governments must inform the affected population of what the emergency measures are. They must also know for how long it will take an effect. They should also update this information and make it widely available.

Leaving No One Behind

  • All communities must include people who have difficulties in accessing public information or services. The information about COVID-19 will need to take particular care to identify people who may be at risk of being left behind.
  • Local communities can assist in identifying individuals, who might then be missed. You can as well provide feed-back to authorities on the impact of measures on communities.

Social And Economic Impacts

  • The right to education needs to be protected in the case of school closures. It is because some have only limited educational opportunities or do not have any access to the internet.
  • Social protection schemes must pay particular attention to children. It might be based on their early stage of intellectual, emotional, and physical development.
  • The health and safety of those working during this crisis must be addressed and assessed. Those working in at-risk environments and our health workers must be given quality personal protective equipment. No one should feel forced to work in conditions that endanger their health because they fear losing a job.


  • The state must put an additional measure to recognize the uneven effects of the pandemic. It may be because of the distant zones in where they live, frequently with restricted access to basic services and goods.
  • They are frequently live in overcrowded housing situations, making self-isolation and physical distancing more challenging. Parental education gaps and limited digital access and may as well make homeschooling more difficult.


  • Before the outbreak, there are around one out of five of the world’s youth were not in employment or education. The governments must make sure to lessen and address the impacts of the pandemic and include provisions that are responsive to young people’s situations. They must also uphold their rights including social protection and decent jobs.